Be cautious but not too cautious

Be cautious but not too cautious

Be Cautious but not too cautious…  As I was driving to work today.  A day where we had some ice.  But not a lot of ice.  Something that is not really a surprise for a January in the Mid West.  I came up behind a car that was going 15 miles an hour on a road...
How to decide to live the good life

How to decide to live the good life

One of the most difficult things to do is to decide to live the good life.  What do you really want and how are you going to get there?  There are so many questions to ask.  So many avenues to follow.   How can you possibly figure it all out.  Really it is...
Ten Step Plan to Help you Live the Good Life

Ten Step Plan to Help you Live the Good Life

To Live the Good Life is or should be the dream of everyone.  Of course your idea of the good life does not match mine.  That is ok.  Here is the list we follow on setting goals that can help lead to living the good life.   It will not necessarily be an easy path but...
How to avoid the I’ll Do it Tomorrow Syndrome

How to avoid the I’ll Do it Tomorrow Syndrome

I started this post 3 months ago…  but keep getting hit with the I’ll do it tomorrow syndrome. Not really but how many times have you had that happen to you.  You want to start a project and have the idea for it written down or in your mind but then that...
Staying Focused The True Task

Staying Focused The True Task

Staying Focused … Oh look a Squirrel Staying Focused for many people is one of the most difficult obstacles to over come.  At times when you are trying to complete just about any task your mind wanders and the distractions come easily.  Sometimes it is from lack...